Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Seven years ago today, I was home from school on bed-rest thinking that I had a month to rest before our little bundles of joy came along. About 3:30 that afternoon, I went to the doctor for a check-up. Well, there was no more waiting. As I stood on the scales (not looking at how much I weighed), my water broke. Convenient location, yes. Convenient time, not so much. That set a hilarious chain of events into motion that we still laugh about today. Since the boys' birthday is tomorrow, we spent time at dinner tonight telling them about stories from their first few weeks. They were hilarious (then and now). In honor of their birthday, I'm hoping to spend a few days recording some of that history here.

The Water Breaks...
So, like I said, I'm standing at the doctor when my water breaks and the OB/GYN sends me straight to the hospital. It's baseball season, so of course I'm trying to get up with Davy on his cellphone. Little did I know, but it was sitting on the kitchen counter. Super. So, for plan B, I call his assistant coach and our good friend Kyle. Kyle, as it turns out, is not at practice that day. He's at home. Before I can tell him "thanks" and hang up, he puts down his phone on the table and I hear him rummaging around saying "Where are my keys? I need to find my keys. Gotta get to school." He wasn't even on the phone any more but was in a panic. I hung up. To this day, I have no idea how long he looked for his keys. Then I called the school where Davy and I worked. Our school secretary, Mrs. McClammy, answered and I tried to get her to get Davy for me without raising too much concern. You see, McClammy was a bit, ummm, excitable. Well, I finally had to tell her that I was in labor and headed to the hospital. Later I found out that she, a rather robust woman, went bounding out of the building and onto the baseball field, screaming, "Hines! Hines! Get your @$$ in here. You're having those babies!" That's a mental picture that still cracks me up. Another coach (thanks Ed) finished up practice for Davy, and he was finally able to meet me at the hospital by about 5:00 pm. At this point, the doctors are telling me that they are going to try and hold off my labor, since I was 6 1/2 weeks early. They even mentioned staying on bed rest in the hospital. Yeah, it didn't quite work out that way.

More to come... Oh, and this picture was the first taken of all four of us at home. It was about 11 days after the boys day of birth before everyone was home together.


  1. Such a sweet story! What a great thing to do for your boys. Can't wait to read some more!

    Beth Hamilton

  2. Great story Kelly! Have one of those twin doctor stories myself! I was at the doctor for a check up as well when they decided my kidneys were about to shut down. I was escorted to the hospital in a wheel chair. My husband was at a meeting & came running after me as they were wheeling me into the OR for an emergency c section. BTW, great picture. Thankfully we didn't spend quite as long in the hospital :-)
